"grind" em português | Tradução de Inglês-Português para "grind"
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Exemplos de uso para: "grind"
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pedra de amolar
A receber
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The Mexicans grind those things up for cayenne.
Os mexicanos moem e comem essas coisas para esquentar.
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Punch it! GRINDER: Breaching the fucking door!
Abrindo a porta!
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I even knew she wouldn't come the first night but I sat there, grinding it out.
Sabia que ela não viria nessa noite, mas esperei na mesma.
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Verdi, Rossini, Puccini that's music for an organ grinder with a monkey.
Verdi, Rossini, Puccini, isso é músicaprarealejo!
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Run the jury through a meat grinder to have them all come out the same?
Colocar os jurados num liquidifica dor para que saiam todos iguais?
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GRINDER: And who is that? Somebody's got to dig that fucking corner.
Alguém tinha que cobrir esse canto.
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If we could just get someone to grind them down into scalpels.
Se pudéssemos fazer delas bisturis.
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So I sat there, grinding out original stories, two a week.
La escrevinhando argumentos originais.
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Well, go ahead, grind it up: Brady's past, Cates' future.
Pois vá em frente, destrua o passado de Brady e o futuro de Cates.
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Grinding the human spirit beneath the conqueror's heel.
Triturando o Espirito Humano sob os pés do conquistador.
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I have no axe to grind with the European Commission.
Nada tenho a recriminar à Comissão Europeia.
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You've not seen Samson grinding at the millstone?
Você não viu Sansão a empurrar a mó daquele moinho?