"Pon esto en tu bolsillo" in english | Spanish-English translation for "Pon esto en tu bolsillo"
Put this in your pocket
Context sentences for: "Pon esto en tu bolsillo"
Pon eso en tu próximo libro
You put that in your next book
Fonte -
Metete bien esto en tu cabeza
Well, get this into your head
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Pon éste en su lugar
Put this one in its place
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Pon esto aquí
Boy, put this down here
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Pon esto bajo el brazo
Put this right under your arm
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Aquí, pon esa silla, en el centro
Here, set that chair, center
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Pon los pies en la tierra, Duquesa
Stay on the ground, Duchess
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Oye, amigo Pon tu impermeable en el armario
Hey, young fella Put your raincoat in the cellar
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Pon a Lachna en la canasta allí con Radin.
Put Lachna in the basket there with Radin.
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Tu brillante intelecto nos metió en esto.
It was your intellect that got us into this.
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Pon gatos en el café y ratones en el té
Put cats in the coffee and mice in the tea
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Pon otro tanque de oxígeno en el avión.
Put another bottle of oxygen in the ship.
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Pon mi guardia en la puerta del Palacio!
Set my guard at the Palace gates!
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Pon el cañón sobre tu sien y dispara.
Put the barrel against your temple and shoot.
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Y tu, ¿cual es tu papel en todo esto?
What kind of person are you, father?
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Luego pon en los vasos, melaza y tinta
Then put in the glasses, molasses and ink
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Pon al alguacil en posición, ¿sí?
Move the sheriff into position, will you?
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Thompson, pon tu gancho en línea
Thompson, get your hook and line