English-Portuguese translation for "I wondered what had become of you"
I wondered what had become of you
Estava a imaginar o que te teria acontecido.
Context sentences for: "I wondered what had become of you"
And we were wondering what had become of you.
E perguntámo-nos o que era feito de ti. Olá, Bambi.
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We were just wondering what had become of you.
Todos perguntam por Vc
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l wondered what had happened to you.
Senti a sua falta
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I wonder what's become of the factory.
Eu me pergunto o quê será de minha casa?
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And what'll become of you then?
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I wondered what I was shot full of
Me perguntei o que me tinham injetado.
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If you stay here as you are, what'll become of you?
Se permanecer aqui, o que será de você?
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l suppose l should blame myself for what has become of you.
Acho que me deveria culpar por aquilo em que se tornou.
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I'm glad your mother isn't here to see what's become of you.
Ainda bem que a tua mãe está morta para não presenciar tudo isto.
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Eu percebi o que tinha acontecido
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What's become of my shirt?
Quero a minha camisa
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Have you no interest in what's become of your own husband?
Não lhe interessa saber o que aconteceu ao seu marido?
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I know what the rest of you are thinking.
Sei no que estão a pensar. Eu sou o mais pesado.
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I want to see both of you naked