English-Spanish translation for "Alert the guards!"
Context sentences for: "Alert the guards!"
Put an alert on yourself!
Frota un poco de tierra en ti mismo.
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I'll alert the district office
Se lo diré a la prefectura
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We ought to alert them
Deberíamos prevenirles. - ¿De qué?
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We ought to alert them
Sería mejor prevenirlos
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Be alert, or papa don't go out at all.
Alerta. Alerta, o papá no lo logrará.
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Girl friend alert! Talk to me!
¡Alerta novia!
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Tactical Alert
Alerta táctica
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There is nothing left to be done... alert the executioner!
NO hay nada que podamos hacer... ¡Avisad al verdugo!
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Fierce and alert, the wolf looks at him askance.
El lobo alerta, feroz, le mira con recelo.
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There is nothing left to be done... alert the torturer!
No hay nada que podamos hacer... ¡Avisad al verdugo!
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I be alert
Estaré alerta
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If I hadn't been alert, we could've looked for him for hours!
¡Si yo no hubiese estado alerta, habríamos estado horas buscándolo!
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We have a rapid alert system
Contamos con un Sistema de alerta rápida.
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If you do not want to go running to alert the police.
Si no quiere que salgan corriendo a avisar a la policía.
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Guards! Guards! To the turrets!
A las almenas, a vuestros puestos...
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Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch... ...guards or no guards, Ill tear them apart.
Con bruja o sin bruja... ...con guardas o sin guardas, les haré trizas.
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Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch... ...guards or no guards, I'll tear them apart.
Con Bruja Malvada o sin ella... con guardias o sin ellos, los despedazaré.
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Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch... ...guards or no guards, I'll tear them apart.
Con bruja maIvada o sin eIIa. Con guardias o sin eIIos. Los despedazaré.