"Anything could happen" in spanish
Context sentences for: "Anything could happen"
Anything could happen
Cualquier cosa podría pasar
Fonte -
Well, if anything should happen
Bueno, si algo sucede
Fonte -
Because you let anything happen!
Porque dejas que pase nada!
Fonte -
Don't let anything happen to her
No dejes que le pase nada
Fonte -
Anything can happen in this place
Aquí puede pasar cualquier cosa
Fonte -
You don't think anything can happen?
No pasará nada malo, ¿verdad?
Fonte -
Almost anything might happen in August.
Casi cualquier cosa podría pasar en agosto.
Fonte -
I think anything can happen in the world.
Creo que en el mundo puede suceder cualquier cosa.
Fonte -
I wouldn't want anything to happen to my kids.
No quisiera que le pasase nada a mis hijos.
Fonte -
That cannot happen; it must not be allowed to happen.
Eso no puede suceder; no debe permitirse que suceda.
Fonte -
If anything should happen, you'd never hate your mother?
Si ocurriera algo terrible, ¿odiarías a tu madre?
Fonte -
Anything's liable to happen to us in that length of time.
Nos podría pasar cualquier cosa en ese período de tiempo.
Fonte -
You didn't happen to find anything in this brush, did you?
Supongo que no encontró nada en esta brocha.
Fonte -
It is true that in Europe rarely happen, but they do happen.
Es cierto que en Europa los suceden con muy poca frecuencia, pero suceden.
Fonte -
Because this is dangerous country, and anything might happen.
Porque este territorio es peligroso y quién sabe lo que podría pasar.
Fonte -
Lots of things can happen outside That couldn't happen inside.
Fuera pueden pasar muchas cosas que no podrían pasar dentro.
Fonte -
She's a sweet kid and I wouldn't want anything to happen to her.
Ella es una buena chica y no quisiera que le pasara nada.
Fonte -
If anything should happen to you, I have to answer to Dr. Strike.
Si algo le ocurriese a usted, debo responder al Dr.
Fonte -
If anything should happen, tell my father and mother you knew me.
Si pasa algo, dile a mis padres que me conociste.
Fonte -
If you let anything happen to him, you'll never wag that tail again.
Si dejas que le pase algo, jamás volverás a menear la cola.