English-Spanish translation for "Oh, look at the mug on that guy"
Oh, look at the mug on that guy
Context sentences for: "Oh, look at the mug on that guy"
Look at the size of that thing
Fonte -
Say, just look at the length of that brute.
Miren el tamaño de esa bestia
Fonte -
Oh, look at those cute little things.
mire que cositas tan monas
Fonte -
Look at those people on that train
Mire a toda esa gente que va en el tren, van satisfechos.
Fonte -
Mira como viene. - Sí, hasta arriba.
Fonte -
I say, look at the size of that roast.
¡Mirad el tamaño de ese asado!
Fonte -
Look at the dirt on this table
Mira la tierra que hay en esta mesa.
Fonte -
Look at the resiliency in that thing.
Mire qué elasticidad
Fonte -
Look at those sails on that windmill.
Miren las aspas de aquel molino
Fonte -
Ven a ver el elegante panorama
Fonte -
Oh, look at the cute little monkeys.
Mirad que preciosos monitos
Fonte -
No se preocupe
Fonte -
Look at the bottom of that before you wash it.
Mirad debajo antes de lavarlo
Fonte -
Look at the size of that fellow, Mr. Chan.
Mire qué tamaño, Sr. Chan