"Hattest du große Angst?" in english
Context sentences for: "Hattest du große Angst?"
Hattest du große Angst?
Were you very frightened?
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Ich habe Angst, große Angst
I'm afraid, I'm terribly afraid
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Vorher hattest du solche Angst
You were so afraid before
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Du hast wohl große Angst vorm Moor?
You are probably very afraid of the moor?
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Sie hatten wohl große Angst vor ihm.
They must've been terribly afraid of him.
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lch habe Angst, Otero. lch habe Angst.
I tell you, I'm afraid, Otero. I'm afraid.
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Ich habe große Angst um dich, nicht um mich.
I'm afraid for you so much I do not think of me.
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Ich bekam plötzlich solche Angst. Was, Angst?
Oh, I suddenly became so scared
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Du hattest Angst um mich, warst um mich besorgt.
You was afraid I'd get hurt. You was thinking of me.
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Du hast doch keine Angst vor mir? Du hast Angst.
Surely you're not afraid of me?
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Das war die Erinnerung, vor der du Angst hattest.
That was the memory you were afraid of.
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Angst davor, Geld zu sparen, Angst davor, es auszugeben.
They're scared to save money, and scared to spend it.
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Ich wollte, das hättest du nicht getan. Ich habe Angst.
Oh, Dan, I wish you hadn't done that.
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Die große Dampfmaschine stellte eine große Einheit dar.
With the big steam engine you had a single large unit.
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Hättest du mich damals gekannt, hättest du mich gemocht.
Lf you'd known me when I was young, you'd have liked me.
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Er erzählt von großen Berg, grosse Häuser, große Herz.
He tell about the big mountain, the big building, the big heart.
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Hättest du mich damals gekannt, hättest du mich gemocht.
L expect you were as disgusting then as you are now.
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Jetzt habe ich Angst. Ich habe Angst, in die Hölle zu kommen.
Well, far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood.
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Du hattest eine Mutter. Du wurdest geliebt. Du hattest Freunde.
You had a mother, you were loved, you had friends.
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Hättest du gewartet, hättest du meine Millionen haben können.
You could've had my millions if you'd just waited a while.