"Co robisz w życiu?" em inglês
Exemplos de uso para: "Co robisz w życiu?"
Co robisz w życiu?
And how do you live?
Fonte -
Co ty tam znowu robisz?
Gramp, what are you doing back there?
Fonte -
Rodney, co ty tu robisz?
Rodney, what are you doing here?
Fonte -
Co robisz w tym pociagu?
Why are you on this train?
Fonte -
Co ty tutaj robisz, Jack?
What are you doing here, Jack?
Fonte -
Co tu robisz o tej porze?
What are you doing here at this time?
Fonte -
I robisz to w ten sposób
And this is your way of doing it
Fonte -
Co ty robisz tam na dole?
What are you doing down there?
Fonte -
Rzecz w tym, jak to robisz
It's all a matter of how you do it, though.
Fonte -
Hej, co tam robisz, mały?
Hey, what are you doing here?
Fonte -
Co jeszcze robisz z forsą?
What else are you doing with all your money?
Fonte -
Co tu robisz tak wcześnie?
What are you doing up so early?
Fonte -
Co robisz w moim kostiumie?
What are you doing in my costume?
Fonte -
Powiedz co ty tutaj robisz?
Please, what are you doing here?
Fonte -
Cześć. Co ty tutaj robisz?
That you make here?
Fonte -
Dlaczego mi to robisz, Roso?
Rosa, why do you do this to me?
Fonte -
Co ty jesteś i kogo robisz?
What are you and who are you doin'?
Fonte -
Arabello, co ty tutaj robisz?
Arabella, why are you here?
Fonte -
Robisz do niego maślane oczy
Well, you're making cow eyes at him.
Fonte -
Ja decyduje, co i kiedy robisz
I decide what you do and when you do it.