"date" in english
Context sentences for: "date"
Kinta, date prisa y ven
Kinta, hurry up and come in
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Date prisa con esa sopa
Hurry up with that soup
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Date prisa, yo la retengo
Well, hustle right over. I'll hold her here.
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¿No te vistes? Date prisa
You gonna get dressed?
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Date prisa y ve al hospital
Hurry to the hospital, old man
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Date prisa y ve al hospital
Hurry up and go to the hospital
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La coIa de yegua. Date prisa
Come on, let's hurry
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Bien, linda, pero date prisa
All right, honey, but hurry
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Date prisa y ven a desayunar
Hurry up and come in to breakfast
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Date una vuelta, pies planos
Take a walk, flatfoot
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Alza las manos y date vuelta
Now get them up and turn around
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Date prisa. No tenemos tiempo
This is all you're gonna get
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Date prisa, son casi las doce
But hurry, it's almost 12:00
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No te muevas, pero date prisa
Don't move, but hurry. My word, yes!
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Date la vuelta, deja que te mire
Turn around, let's get a look at you.
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Finnegan, date prisa con mi copa
Finnegan, hurry up with my drink
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Botala la bola,date vuelta, baila
Swing it out,spin around,do the dance.
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¡Nadine, date prisa con el talco!
Nadine, hurry up with the powder!
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¡Sophie, date prisa con el café!
Sophie, hurry with the coffee!