Spanish-English translation for "Mirad sus caras"
Context sentences for: "Mirad sus caras"
Look at their faces
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I can tell by their expressions
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Lo veo en sus caras
I see it in your faces
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Sería divertido ver sus caras
It would be amusing to see their faces.
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¡Les quitaré las sonrisas de sus caras!
I'll wipe those smiles off your faces.
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Oh claro, pero no en sus caras
Oh, sure, But not in their faces
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Estoy cansada de sus caras, retírense.
I'm weary of your faces. Get out
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Continúa apuntando a sus motores
Continue targeting their engines
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Pero si voy así, veré sus caras apenadas.
If I go like this, they'll see me as a disaster.
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¿Te dió un adelanto por sus salarios?
She gave you an advance for their salaries?
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Sí, Patrick Hollbart y sus cuatro hijos.
Yep, patrick holbart and his four kids,
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El Génesis dice en sus homilías:
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Los sirvientes les traen sus trajes de viaje.
The man-servants bring travelling suits.