Spanish-English translation for "Pero mira el coche"
Context sentences for: "Pero mira el coche"
I wanna run my auto
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Pero, mira
But look
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Well, I'll be with you right away
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¡Pero mira!
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Que no traigan el coche de Mme
CLERK: Madam Grusinskaya's car is not to be brought.
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Que traigan el coche de Mme
No. Madam Grusinskaya's car is to be brought.
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Yo me hubiera quedado con el coche
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My first installment for a car
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¿Por qué no puedo ir con el coche?
Why can't I run my auto?
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Te espero en el coche restaurante
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Look at that dress
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I know, but look out for your arm
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