"Pon esto ahí" in english
Context sentences for: "Pon esto ahí"
Pon esto ahí
Put this up. Put it up
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Pon cara de ser ella
Make out like you're her
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Pon eso en el titular
You put that ih the lead
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Pon eso en el titular
War. You put that ih the lead
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Pon esto en la puerta
Hang that at the door
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Pon en marcha el barco
Start this boat
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Pon esto bajo el brazo
Put this right under your arm
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Rose, pon un plato más
Rose, set another place
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Pon cara alegre, y ríe
Put on a happy face, and laugh
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Pon esto en tu bolsillo
Put this in your pocket
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Pon eso en primera plana
You put that in the lead
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Pon un poco de entusiasmo
Put something into it
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Pon los codos sobre la cama
Elbows on the bed
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Pon las manos en el volante
Get both hands up on that wheel there.
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Pon los pies sobre la tierra
Get your feet on the ground
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Pon las manos así. Muy bien
Put your hands there
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Pon las narices sobre tu libro
Keep your nose shoved in that book. McLEAN:
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Tú pon mi nombre en tus guiones
You put my name on your scripts
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Pon todo allí dentro, por favor
Stick the whole works in. will you?
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Vamos, pon tu maleta ahí dentro
Come on, put your bag in there
Similar Words
Pon esto ahí - Pon cara de ser ella - Pon eso en el titular - Pon esto en la puerta - Pon en marcha el barco