English-Spanish translation for "It was touch-and-go for a while"
Estuvo entre la vida y la muerte
Context sentences for: "It was touch-and-go for a while"
I must touch them for the luck that"s in them.
Debo tocarlos, por la fortuna que tienen.
Fonte -
Tóquenlo para que les dé suerte
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Don't touch me. This way, this way
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I wouldn't touch a thing of his if he could use it.
No tocaría nada suyo si él pudiera usarlo.
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Ah, the touch of your hand is like the touch of an angel.
El roce de tu mano es como el roce de un ángel.
Fonte -
Ellos ni siquiera atacaron a ese tipo.
Fonte -
¡No me toques!
Fonte -
Please don't touch me
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It is easy to touch your pocket, but difficult to touch your heart.
Es fácil tocarte el bolsillo, pero es difícil tocar tu corazón.
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My wife won't let me touch her!
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When we touch, close in your arms you hold me. I forget all that my mother told me.
Cuando nos acariciamos tú me abrazas y olvido todo lo que mi madre me dijo.
Fonte -
With your right hand touch your left ear. With your left hand touch your nose.
Tócate la oreja izquierda con la mano derecha y la nariz con la mano izquierda.
Fonte -
Everything you touch will turn to gold:
Todo lo que toque se convertirá en oro.