Spanish-English translation for "Siempre me has gustado"
You know I've always liked you
Context sentences for: "Siempre me has gustado"
Siempre me ha gustado
I always like that one
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Siempre me has gustado, Biff
I always liked you, Biff
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Scott siempre me ha gustado
I've always liked Scott
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Siempre me ha gustado su sonata
I always loved that sonata of his
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Nunca le has gustado a mi hija
My daughter never liked you
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Siempre me ha gustado más bañarme que darme una ducha.
I always did like a bath better than a shower.
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Tampoco a mí me ha gustado esa chica.
I never liked that girl
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Me ha gustado el nuevo director
I like the new director
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¡A lo mejor le hubiese gustado esto!
He would have liked it here
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Nunca le ha gustado verme pálida
He never liked me to be pale
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Me has gustado desde aquel primer día.
I've been for you since that first day.
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Siempre me han gustado los hombres que se parecen más a los eruditos.
I've always loved men who are more like dignified scholars.
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A mí siempre me ha gustado el mar. Creo que hay temporal en el Canal.
I hear it's a bit rough in the channel.
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Si la gente lo hubiera visto, no les habría gustado.
If the people had seen it, they wouldn't have liked it.
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¿Te ha gustado la tumba de Grant?
How did you like Grant's Tomb?
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Siento que le hayas gustado a esa chica, pero os tendréis que casar.
I'm sorry you don't like this girl, but you will have to marry her.
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el hijo de Hel, que le habría gustado tener a él con ella?
the son of Hel, who he himself expected from her?
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Hasta ahora, nadie me ha gustado mucho, pero estoy segura que llegará.
Until now, there was no one I really liked but I'm sure that he will come.
Similar Words
Siempre me ha gustado - Siempre me has gustado, Biff - Siempre me ha gustado su sonata